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News & Events

Gray Panthers NYC Board
Iris Apfel: Giving the Middle Finger to Ageism
Several weeks ago, fashion celebrity Iris Apfel died at the age of 102. Many have talked about her eye-catching outfits, her personality,...

Emily Trask
Carrie Leljedal, McKnight's Guest Column: An alternative view on anti-staffing mandate legislation
“Infinity and beyond” may be a rallying cry for Buzz Lightyear, yet when it comes to staffing and the welfare of the elderly and disabled...

Gary Campbell
Seniors Are Entering or Rejoining the Workforce in Record Numbers
Retirement is no longer the one-way street it used to be. More and more seniors are deciding to delay retirement or even "unretire" by...

Carrie Leljedal
Death with Dignity: What It Means, and Why It’s Important
Death with dignity is defined as “an end-of-life option that allows certain eligible individuals to legally request and obtain...

Innovation for Long-Term Care: What We Can Learn from the Swiss, March 26, 2024 Transformation Tuesday
Vincenzo Paolino (*1965 in Munich) is a certified specialist in geriatric care equipped with entrepreneurial spirit. He has a background...

Emily Trask
McKnight's LTC News: Advocates call for ACA-backed demonstration projects in nursing home sector
FEBRUARY 28, 2024 Patient advocates and nursing home operators intent on shifting the traditional approach to skilled nursing care should...

Michelle Arnot
Defying the Odds: My IVF Journey to Motherhood
Thanks to in vitro fertilization (IVF) I am the proud mother of an accomplished 31 year old woman who will marry her fiance in a few...

Gray Panthers NYC Board
Gov. Hochul's Latest Budget is Ageist: A Letter from 140+ Aging Service Providers
Dear Governor Hochul, As it stands, the FY25 Executive Budget is an ageist document - which we believe is not the intent of your office....

Regarding the Proposed Closing of Mount Sinai Beth Israel Hospital
As some of our readers may already know, Mount Sinai’s Beth Israel campus is expected to close in the coming months. Many people are...

Emily Trask
McKnight's LTCN: Moving nursing home staff in as residents has life-changing potential
Staff who take up residence in a nursing home for even just a few days are better equipped to transform care delivery and how the actual...

Sophia Casale
GPNYC Leadership Spotlight: Jack Kupferman
Frank Sinatra reflects on his career in the 1969 ballad, “My Way,” but Ol’ Blue Eyes may have been foreshadowing the journey of another...

Gray Panthers NYC Board
Grieving Families in New York State Deserve Better…from Governor Hochul
Many moons ago, we wrote on a piece of legislation called the Grieving Families Act in New York State. It’s time to revisit it, since a...

Emily Trask
January 30, 2024, What Living as a Resident Can Teach Long-Term Care Staff, Transformation Tuesday
The Power of Empathy to Transform Care with Leslie Pedtke, L.N.H.A. and Jeffery Ahl, AIA, NCARB, LEED AP

Gray Panthers FAQ: Is there a National Gray Panthers Entity?
A couple of months ago, we started a blog post series answering some frequently asked questions about Gray Panthers. And the question...

Emily Trask
Gray Panthers featured on Sidedoor podcast "Wrinkled Radicals" from the Smithsonian Institution
When Maggie Kuhn was forced to retire from the job she loved at age 65, her colleagues gave her a sewing machine as a parting gift....

Gray Panthers NYC Board
What is an Age-Friendly City?
In recent years, some of you may have heard about something called an age-friendly city. It is a big buzz term in the world of making...

Emily Trask
Creating unity for positive change in nursing homes, Michelle Arnot's Guest Column in McKnight's
Federal regulators’ recently proposed rule on nursing home minimum staffing standards seems to have exacerbated the divisiveness among...

Honoring Our Outgoing Gray Panthers NYC President, Jack Kupferman
At the end of the year, the President of Gray Panthers NYC, Jack Kupferman, will hand over the reins to our current Vice President,...

Michelle Arnot
Celebrate Gray Panthers NYC’s impactful year and join our Giving Tuesday campaign!
We’re excited to share our 2023 Annual Highlights and invite you to be part of our projects in 2024. In 2023, we achieved record reach...

Jack Kupferman
GPNYC 2023 Legal Services Directory for Older People in New York City
In accordance with our core mission, Gray Panthers NYC is proud to introduce an updated 2023 version of our 2016 Legal Directory. This...

On Bicycles
Bicycles, and in particular, the question of how much they should be favored, is one of the most contentious transportation topics in New...
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