Watch the Most Recent Transformation Tuesday
About Us
Who We Are:
The Gray Panthers are a series of multi-generational local advocacy networks in the United States which confront ageism and many other social justice issues. The organization was formed by Maggie Kuhn in response to her forced retirement from the Presbyterian Church at the age of 65 in 1970.
What We Do:
Gray Panthers believe in active engagement. We believe civic participation and responsibility are fundamental to achieving social and economic justice and peace.
We Work To:
Create a humane society - one that puts the needs of people over profits, responsibility over power and democracy over institutions.
Eliminate injustice, discrimination, ageism wherever they exist.
Bring together young and old, women and men of all backgrounds and orientations, to work in unison, with mutual trust and respect.

We are committed to confronting the insidious nature of ageism. We’re exploring opportunities to expand our visibility and reach by partnering with other effective advocates in the field.
Social Security & Medicare
Banding together with other advocates, we strive to protect funding of these institutions.
Long-Term Care
Ensuring that residents of nursing homes and assisted living centers have regular and open contact with ombudsmen to resolve issues, and provide a voice to those who feel overwhelmed
Confronting Systemic Discrimination
Gray Panthers stands up to the racist attacks, police and state-sanctioned brutality, white supremacy, homophobic violence and boundless misogyny, the demonization and detention of immigrants and inhumane policies that separate families, the funneling of money to the wealthy, the promotion of climate science ignorance, the refusal to act on common sense gun safety laws, and policies that discriminate against people with disabilities.
Global Advocacy
Gray Panthers has consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council and participates in deliberations at the United Nations on a host of global issues.