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News & Events

Michelle Arnot
Nominations Now Being Accepted for GPNYC ABOVE & BEYOND AWARDS 2023 - Spotting Talent Among Up-and-C
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For more information, contact: Michelle Arnot, +1-917-816-7226, Nominations Now Being...

Susan Friedman
GPNYC Board Welcomes Melanie Schnuriger as New Treasurer
This year, the GPNYC Board welcomed Melanie Schnuriger as Treasurer. Edith Cresmer, longtime GPNYC Treasurer, remains on the Board. Meet...

Susan Friedman
Welcome, Carrie Leljedal, Co-Chair, Transformation Tuesday, Unity Series
Carrie Leljedal is a Family Advocate, Essential Caregiver’s Coalition, Illinois Carrie's story On March 13, 2020, I was told that due to...

Susan Friedman
Public Hospital Laguna Honda Faced Closing
San Francisco and federal agencies came to a last-minute agreement to extend the pause on patient transfers at Laguna Honda Hospital. In...

Brendan Birth
Honoring Longtime Board Member Frances Zainoeddin
In the coming weeks, Frances Zainoeddin, one of our longtime board members, will be departing from the Board, albeit staying with us as...

Emily Trask
Photos and Videos from Kick the Crap Out of Ageism: Introductory Self-Protection Seminar for Seniors
Some awesome photos and videos from April's Kick the Crap Out of Ageism: Introductory Self-Protection Seminar for Seniors at...

Michelle Arnot
May 30, 2023, Unity For Long-Term Care, Transformation Tuesday
GPNYC will produce a series of four virtual sessions with the aim of uniting advocates to improve quality of life in the nursing home...

Gray Panthers NYC Board
Some Good News in the World of Long-Term Care
Often, this blog is used to report bad news or a need for action on ageism, long-term care, and social justice issues, just to name a...

Michelle Arnot
ENCORE PRESENTATION - Assuring Human Rights for Older Persons in Long Term Care Facilities
Apr 25, 2023 02:00 PM Side Event of 13th Open-ended Working Group (OEWG) on Ageing Everywhere, COVID exposed inequities and unleashed a...

Gray Panthers NYC Board
Why Ageism Isn’t the Only -Ism that Matters to Us
Gray Panthers was founded on and is perhaps best known for its stance on issues that combat ageism and advocates for the rights and...

Emily Trask
Quality Of Life For The Aging LGBTQ+ Population, GPNYC's Jack Kupferman Interviewed in Queerful
As the population gets older, organizations are moving to fit their needs. In New York, a group called Gray Panthers NYC is dedicated to...

Gray Panthers NYC Board
Why Many American Nursing Homes Are Like McDonald’s
As far as we know, there aren’t tons of nursing homes out there serving Big Macs or Chicken McNuggets to their residents. So why, then,...

Jack Kupferman
April 15, 2023, Kick the Crap Out of Ageism: Introductory Self-Protection Seminar for Seniors
CONFRONTING AGEISM THROUGH EMPOWERMENT To address the recent rise in violence toward seniors in New York, and to empower older New...

Jack Kupferman
April 5, 2023, Assuring Human Rights for Older Persons in Long-Term Care Facilities: Lessons Learned
Official Side Event at the UN Open Ended Working Group on Ageing 2023 Wednesday, April 5, 2023 at 13:00 New York Time Everywhere, Covid...

Emily Trask
Woman’s Murder Reignites Fears About Growing Old In NYC, Jack Kupferman on MetroFocus, March 13
"The brutal killing of a New York City grandmother in her Upper West Side apartment is reinforcing fears among some older New Yorkers...

Gray Panthers NYC Board
More Funding Needed for Nursing Home Oversight
Gray Panthers NYC recently learned that some lawmakers are making noise to push for increased funding for nursing home oversight. Gray...

Susan Friedman
GP NYC is Thrilled to Welcome Intern Sophia Casale
Hi, my name is Sophia Casale. I am a native New Yorker, but I currently reside in Central New Jersey. Growing up in a close-knit...

Emily Trask
Jack Kupferman & Gray Panthers NYC Commentary on 74-Year-Old NY Resident's Murder
Thank you to Maria Cramer and the New York Times for focusing on these horrific events. “This is everybody’s worst nightmare,” said Jack...

Emily Trask
Gray Panthers NYC Board Member Frances Zainoeddin Speaks at United Nations, 6 February 2023
Gray Panthers NYC Board Member Frances Zainoeddin Speaks at United Nations - 6 February 2023 - Opening, 2nd plenary meeting - 61st...

Michelle Arnot
Gray Panthers NYC Meets with Senator Ron Wyden
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Michelle Arnot Gray Panthers NYC 917 816 7226 Gray Panthers NYC president...

Karen Klink
Loved Ones of Long-Term Care Residents: Not a Burden!
As someone who has a loved one in Long-Term Care, I have personally experienced bias and discrimination in the way our loved ones are...

Michelle Arnot
The Fragile Future for Aging Services: The Collision of Money, Politics & Denial, 2.28.23
You’re Invited to The Fragile Future for Aging Services: The Collision of Money, Politics & Denial, Feb 28, 2023 02:00 PM ET, with...

Susan Friedman
Leave Social Security and Medicare Alone
As the 118th Congress begins its deliberations, one issue must command the attention of all Americans, whether Republican, Democrat, or...
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