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Michelle Arnot

Nominations Now Being Accepted for GPNYC ABOVE & BEYOND AWARDS 2023 - Spotting Talent Among Up-and-C


For more information, contact: Michelle Arnot, +1-917-816-7226,

Nominations Now Being Accepted for GPNYC ABOVE & BEYOND AWARDS 2023 - Spotting Talent Among Up-and-Coming Long-Term Care Professionals

NEW YORK—June 13, 2023—The window for nominations is now open for Gray Panthers NYC’s inaugural Above & Beyond Awards, the annual award that will honor five unsung stars who have made a difference to residents in long-term care facilities during the pandemic. Each winner will receive a $100 honorarium.

Gray Panthers NYC will be accepting nominations until August 1, 2023. Winners will be notified by September 15, 2023.

The aim is to collect nominees from all 50 states. To learn more and submit a nomination, visit

“Staff members who devoted themselves to residents deserve to be honored,” said Carrie Leljedal, co-chair, GPNYC Unity webinar series.

“We will profile these outstanding folks on our website, social media, and other marketing materials” added Michelle Arnot, vice president GPNYC and co-chair of the Unity webinar series.

GPNYC, a 501c3 established in 1970, is on the forefront of nursing home and long-term care transformation.

About Gray Panthers

Gray Panthers is a multi-generational non-profit organization that supports of local

advocacy organizations that confront ageism and other social justice issues. The

organization was formed by Maggie Kuhn in response to her forced retirement from the

Presbyterian Church at the age of 65 in 1970.


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